Monday, January 4, 2010

meet Abby

Hi, kids.
I don't have a good place to take a "before" picture, in schlumpy clothes, so here's one where I actually am wearing flattering clothes but still am a little less svelte than I'd like to be. Clearly that's me on the right because everyone else in this picture looks amazing. Note meaty arms and chunky midsection. We won't talk about my chest, because I'm German and I'm pretty sure I can't avoid it, but historically I can shave off a cup size or two if I lose a little excess pudge.
Laying it all out on the table like Monica did, my beginning stats:
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 170
Waist: 34"
Hips: (forgot to measure)
BMI 27.4 (according to the Wii Fit)
Size: Large/12
I too got a wii fit for christmas, so Monica and I have been playing it together and separately. I think it's REALLY fun, and sadly the fact that it makes fun of you for being overweight/not working out makes it easier to stick with - you want to show that game who's boss.
My goal weight is 155 and to easily fit into a size 10- I've been an 8 before but I honestly don't think that's realistic. I look and feel great at 155 and I'm very comfortable there. Mostly I just want more toned arms and less muffin top in jeans.
Two years ago when our friend Michela was getting married, and Monica and I were both bridesmaids, we did workouts together and stopped drinking beer entirely. I dropped 10 lbs like it's no big deal just because of the beer. How sad is that? I hate to give it up, and admittedly I drink much less now, but I think it's going to have to get cut out again. I'll allow myself a drink or two once or twice a week, but I'm going to be much more rigorous about keeping it very limited. Goodbye beer, you nectar of the gods. Let's still be friends.
So that's my situation. Admitting my chubby tendencies to the internets will hopefully guilt me into sticking to my guns. Wish me luck!
love, mcnabbs


  1. Goodbye, beer indeed! I love the stuff, but it does not love me!

  2. welcome abbs! im working on my into post, i promise! thanks for putting it all out there :)
