Tuesday, January 5, 2010

getting tips from Jillian

Me again.  Tonight is the season premier of Biggest Loser (not that I have a tv to watch it, but I like to catch snippets now and then), and like all weight-loss stories and before/after pictures, I'm inspired.  And I love Jillian; she's no-BS.  I went to her website yesterday to see what she had to say about me and my quest.  I'm not going to spend the $4/week to sign up for the program, but I did enjoy entering my data into the widgets to see what magic numbers they would spit back at me.  Apparently because I crave salty foods and meats and cheeses as snacks, this means that half my calories should come from protein, and only a fifth from carbs.  Seriously!  I'm supposed to eat more fat than carbs!  I included a visual for us all.

Ok so now to talk about my victories and shortcomings of late:
Yesterday I was totally lame about working out.  I just wasn't up to it, and I know that's no excuse.  I know my body and I know that I can't just cut back calories and expect to lose weight.  It's an all-inclusive effort.
Today is probably going to be a light day on the work-out front too.  I got up early and did 30 min of calisthenics this morning to give my metabolism a little rev.  I've eaten sensibly for two days (minus the half cup of rocky road I somehow needed after dinner last night).

Food-wise, one thing that seems to be keeping me on track is having a variety of vegetables around.  Last week I roasted a whole chicken, so when I get home from work each night, I cut up a quarter of a red onion, saute it in a little olive oil, ad a clove of garlic, minced, and then cut up a head of broccoli or one zucchini and add it to the mix.  While the vegetables are cooking, I pull some chicken off the bone until I have a decent pile.  I add that to the veggie mix and cook just long enough for the meat to warm.  A little salt and pepper to taste and it's ready.  I can probably have it fridge to table in 10 min.  In the past I probably would have had some rice to go with it, but let's be honest:  I don't really need it.  Even brown rice isn't that great for me.  Any recipe ideas for high-protein, low/no-carb dinners?

1 comment:

  1. dude i want to eat that dinner every day! maybe minis the onions though...

    as for other low cal dinners (we all know im not much of a chef) my mom and i have been loving this lamb roast from Trader Joe's that is pretty fantastic. i like it with just a bit of broccoli and maybe some couscous or polenta if im really hungry. the roast may not be incredibly low cal, but it doesn't take much of it to fill me up so that helps my portion control :)
