Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I don't know what the hell I was doing all morning, but it wasn't dishes and it wasn't packing my gym bag.  Finally, at 7:40 this morning when I realized there was no way I was getting out the door on time with everthing I'd planned, I ran frantically around grabbing whatever I could.  Got my shoes, my makeup bag, and a little frozen-lunch-whatever.  It looked like coconut curry quinoa with chicken from what I could tell.

The weather was pretty decent at noon today, so instead of going to the gym like I had planned to if I'd been able to get my act together, I just put on my shoes and struck out down Westlake.  It was a nice little 30 min trip before I dug into my frozen lunch.

Turns out what I thought was quinoa with chicken fir my lunch was actually old frozen potato salad.  Dangit.  Not gonna eat that.  Luckily there's a Whole Foods nearby.  I went and got some cholay chicken over rice and zuke.  It was delicious, but about 45 minutes later I was not feeling so hot.  I'm better now, but I'm wondering if my lunch had anything to do with my upset tummy.  Don't worry - no ralphing.

Anyway, I'm feeling good that I squeaked a walk in today because the rain came back shortly thereafter.

Overall, I'm noticing my body is leaner and firmer.  It's a good feeling.  After watching Biggest Loser last night, I had a dream about having a Jillian-style trainer and I came out with rock-star abs.  My 2010 goal is to get a midsection I'm proud of - something I've never had before.

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