Tuesday, December 29, 2009

video game girl

I've always been anti-video-game, but this Christmas Andrew's parents got us a Wii and Wii-Fit and we haven't been able to turn it off.  It started with bowling, then darts, then we just couldn't stop.  We decided to break out the Wii Fit after we'd tried all the sports and it's been non-stop ski-jumping and balance games.

I woke up yesterday morning and my entire core ached like it hadn't in a long time. AWESOME.  The culprit:  hula hooping!!  We hula hooped it up for hours, trying to beat each other's high score for number of spins.

This thing rocks.  I'm still going to run on a regular basis, but this is going to be a great supplemental ab workout, I can tell.

1 comment:

  1. i need to play...immediately!! or, ya know, whenever you want to hang out - thats fine.
