Friday, February 12, 2010

You missed me, didn't you?

Hi y'all!
I'm the worst blogger ever, sorry Monica. Here's my check-in.
I seem to be down a few pounds - haven't really noticed it in my clothes yet but both scales at my house agree I'm lighter than before. The bathroom scale, a $20 Fred Meyer purchase, is about 5 lbs meaner than the Wii scale, so that's what I'm going by, especially since the Wii is on carpet.
I've been too busy (ok, lazy) to work out much, but I have been making much better food choices. They're little tweaks, but it's just something I have to be conscious of and I can do it. I've cut out all fast food (you would be so proud of me if you knew how many times I've driven by Dick's with CASH on me recently, and didn't even consider stopping), most junk food (a bag of doritos has been languishing in my desk drawer, and they're nacho cheese, so it's not like I hate them), and haven't had any sodas except for my beloved diet coke. I have been keeping it to one or two drinks in an evening, if any, and choosing foods with more fiber and protein. I'm also just trying to eat more fruit and veg - I love them but I'm usually just too lazy to cook them. Really, I'm super effing lazy.
Next step is to build some muscle so I can burn fat better - and tone up the arms and abs.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY missed you! I think you're right about making small changes like driving right by Dick's or saying no to that extra cocktail. It makes a huge difference. Those are small victories that may not be worthy of a song, but definitely something to be proud of.
