Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weekly Update - Silver Lining

Ok so I was about to be all, "waa waaaa" about having gained a pound and a half since last week (and I'll be honest, I did eat a lot), but then I started taking my measurements in order to report my body fat, and I actually lost inches and went down in fat.  For reals.  I don't usually report the measurements I have to take in order to get my number, because they're boring: neck, arm, chest, thigh... who cares?

Well, today I do care.  waist and hips are still the same, but I am down to 33 inches at my chest, and have lost an inch and a half off my thigh since last week.  So even though my BMI has gone up slightly, I think the more important numbers here are body fat and inches.  Looks like I'm smack in the middle of the fitness range:

I do feel like I need to step it up a little bit, though, because this next 15 lbs isn't going to lose itself.  Last night I left my car at the office and ran the 4 miles home.  Then I had no choice this morning but to suit up and run into the office.  It was cold, but at least it wasn't raining.  The sun came out at lunch today, so a co-worker and I grabbed the opportunity to run at lunch.  That was another 4 miles.  So I've done 8 miles total today.  Awesome.  Toot toot!  That would be the sound of me tooting my own horn; but hey - I think I'm allowed today.

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