Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Running Is My Crutch

Just a quick check-in to let you know I am proud of my work-out dedication this past week.  I have been running an average of four miles a day, though Saturday was 6.5, Sunday I reunited with my Jillian Michaels abs workout in lieu of running (still sore, btw), and yesterday I did just three.  The way I see it, three miles is a whole lot better than nothing, which is what I preferred yesterday.  My fabulous ladyfriends convinced me to drag my ass to the gym and power through whatever I could, and I'm glad I did.

I was back on track with four miles today; I had initially intended for it to be five, but when I went to change into my workout gear at noon today I discovered I had left my right shoe at home along with my sweatshirt.  Luckily I always keep a spare pair of old shoes in the trunk of my car, but 43 degrees is cold when I'm in a tank top without a coat, even when I'm doing my best to work up a sweat... at the edge of a windy lake.  Argh.  So I cut it short because I didn't have full confidence in my shoes, either.  But hey - four miles ain't too shabby.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's weigh-in and stats update!

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