Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Milestones

As I was on the treadmill yesterday, I pumped the speed up until I hit my stride, and noticed I was easily running a 9-minute mile.  This isn't a race-winning speed, by any terms, but what it means is I have shaved an entire minute off my average mile pace in just three months. I was thinking about how far I've come in just about three months, and it really humbles me.  I've rediscovered running, given my diet an overhaul, and gotten my weight down to what it was when I was 19.

Yesterday I was excited to report that I was at my weight-loss halfway point from the goal I set at the first of the year, but what I didn't remember until later is, I have actually lost thirty pounds from my very heaviest in 2006. It was not a great time for me; I hated my job, drinking cocktails like it was my last night on earth, not making exercise a priority, and I was busting the seams of my size 14 clothes.

Today my life seems to be a complete 180, and though I abandoned a career path that seemed like a fast track to success, I have made peace with it knowing that allowing myself to step back and let my career flounder in my 20s was ultimately the right decision for my own happiness, sense of self-worth, and personal empowerment.  I knew that the field I was in was actually a toxic element in my life and choosing me over my job was what I had to do.

Saying that out loud feels like a deep breath of fresh air.  Thanks for letting me share with you.

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