Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Progress Update

I'm pretty damn proud of this week.  I stayed on task and the results are in:

2 lbs from my weight
1 inch from my waist
2 inches from my hips

My body fat is calculating as higher than last week, but I'm skeptical that it was an accurate reading.In fact, I'm skeptical of this week's reading too.  I've been going off of a tool I use on the Shape Virtual Trainer, which takes into account, your height, weight, neck, bicep, forearm, and thigh measurements.  Seems pretty thorough, right?  Either I carry it really well or this is off.  I got a second opinion from LiveStrong's body fat calculator and it had me at 26.6. I'm thinking this is more likely and I'll tell you why.

Remember this?

This chart tells me that I'm at the "fitness" classification of body fat, according to the number that the Shape Virtual Trainer threw at me.  Well, I know my body and I think I fall more along the lines of "acceptable."  And no, I'm not being hard on myself  I'm just sayin' it like it is.

This is me today:

See?  Acceptable.  I want to look more in the fitness range.  Gotta keep at it.
That being said, I feel like I'm moving toward my goal at a reasonable rate.

Tonight I'm going to the gym to power out 7 miles and get some weight lifting in.  High five!

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