Saturday, June 4, 2011

Running Successes

Just checking in on this.  I know some of you think I'm crazy, but my first half week running to work was great!  I think this is going to be a good summer.  Plus, the money I save by not having to pay for parking and the gas to get to and from work every day could finance a very comfortable vacation each year.  Double bonus!

Here's the rundown on what kind of mileage I actually did:

Wed: 6 miles in, 4 miles back for a total of 10 miles
Thurs: 1.5 miles in, 4 miles at lunch, drove back for a total of 5.5 miles
Fri: 4 miles in, lifted weights at lunch, 6 miles back for a total of 10 miles
Sat: ran around Lake Union for a total of 6.5 miles

Week's total: 32 miles

Not bad.  Sunday will be a Jillian Michaels day for sure.  Gotta have at least one day off from running since my average weekly total will be between 40 and 55 miles.  I'll be in bikini shape in no time!

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