Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pushing the Limits

Last night I hit the gym for my scheduled 6-mile run.  At about 5.5 miles, I was thinking about yesterday's post and how I talked about pushing my limits, so I decided to practice what I preach and change my goal on the treadmill to 7 miles.  It was hard.  I haven't run more than 6.5 in a long time, and while a half mile doesn't seem like much, I still had to push myself for that much longer.  I had my ipod cranked up while I told myself, "I can do this.  I can do this."  And I did.  I felt triumphant when I completed that seventh mile, drenched in sweat, and I found myself wishing there was someone there at the gym I could high-five.  No one there knew I had just brought myself to a new level.  But I did, and I guess that's what matters.

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