Thursday, May 27, 2010

still at it

 Wow.  I didn't realize it had been ten days since I last checked in.  I have no idea if anyone is even reading this and would notice.  Just in case, here I am confessing my fitness ups and downs to the cyberspace void.

Please enjoy the Strange Days album cover while I tell you a little bit about the past week and a half...

Since we last chatted, I went away for the weekend, ate really rich foods, drank a lot of delicious wine, beer, and cocktails, and probably gained a few.  I had a great time doing it.

Monday I felt bloated and sluggish, so I went for a run at lunch and then an hour long walk in the evening.  It was a great way to kick off my slowly escalating fitness obsession.  Tuesday I showed up to the step n sculpt class feeling tired, but I powered through.  I took the easy road on some of the drills, and by the end of the class my guilt had gotten to me, so I spend 20 minutes on the treadmill to compensate for not giving it my all when I had the opportunity.

Yesterday I had a breakthrough.  A running breakthrough.  I dragged myself to the gym at 5:15 to power it out on the treadmill.  I decided I wouldn't set a goal - I'd just go until I needed to stop.  I plugged in my ipod, pushed the quick start button, and let my endurance guide me.  I felt so good I did four and a half miles before I started to feel done.  I decided to round up to the nearest mile, and push through five whole miles.  It was phenomenal.  I feel like I've really overcome my knee issues.

Today I went to my morning step class, which focused a lot on strength training and general toning.  I know my butt is going to hurt tomorrow, and it's going to be great.  At lunch I decided to use my free time to return to the gym and pound out three more miles on the treadmill.  I've burned a thousand calories today.  That's right.  Starting to feel like the old me again.

Here's the kicker:  I gained weight and I'm not losing anything.  It's really frustrating.  I'll check back in after this weekend and hopefully I'll have a good number to throw at you.

Total Calories: 2009
Net Calories: 1223 (246 under)
H2O Intake: 64 oz
Total Exercise: 60 min
Cardio: 60 min

1 comment:

  1. I check this blog every day. You are not blogging to a void!

    I'm on a great running phase right now as well, I feel like I'm really hitting my stride. I ran for 40 minutes yesterday before I started to notice and feel worn down, which for me is great. I run slowly, but it's enough to really keep my heart rate up and give me the energy I need to keep my schedule.

    Keep blogging, I need it!!!
